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Working with me, Bio and links

Singing with Psyche!

Finding your song and path in life... Hearing your heart sing and opening doors to magic...

Using Jungian dream work, mandala art, dance/movement, and music work.

Choose a safe space with room to be comfortable,  move as u wish and show up in the zoom camera. Decide if u want instrumental music or silent stillness to do DANCE/MOVEMENT work for pre-verbal wound healing or if you want to do DREAMWORK for personal development, guidance from your soul, and individuation, MANDALA ART for centeredness and development of 4 functions in Myers-Briggs typology, or MUSIC THERAPY for integration... according to what feels alive in you then and needed. Ask any questions along the way. I'm Looking forward to sharing! 

ZOOM enter MEETING ID 937 043 4714  🔥🦋✌💫

I have two ongoing sessions available in afternoon or evening.

I do sacred reciprocity. Until I retire from my day job in December 2023 it is free for those diligent in the work as that feeds collective consciousness and comes back around to me basically in wonderful magical karmic ways that are valuable beyond money. The first session is free and without committing to diligence, then demonstration of diligence in a moon cycle determines possibilities for going forward. We both take responsibility for creating balance as we go. Can also be nonmonetized by gift to gift exchange recognizing our innate gifts we bring into community.

Please see examples of my personal experiences for 30 years below my bio.

Bio for events:
My training in classic Jungian empirical science includes many examples of common symbols arising in dreams, myths, fairy tales and stories of our lives across the world in many cultures. Psychology originated in indigenous medicine ways of healing our spirit as well as our body. My own Tsalagi ancestral experiences are steeped in these ways. As a Jungian Depth Psychology Specialist I can help with finding your song and path in life... Hearing your heart sing and opening doors to magic...Using Jungian dream work, mandala art, dance/movement, and music work. Please see my blog for examples dreamstorymagic.blogspot.com

My Guided Ritual Transformation Dance ceremonies allow us to participate in creations of collective evolution. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlPGjqyYeA9jQBl4alz3c9zxIfngJSI7p

Please see 22 original songs that came to me in dreams:
I share these ways in small group gatherings thru empathyarchitects.life 

Heartbeat of mother earth summit and chemical free lifestyle guide somethingsimple2saveearth.blogspot.com 

I also acknowledge the value of:

Great grandmother, grandmother and mother of Roses Branch ancient archeological village. Deer clan and panther/Bear clan

14 years of very traditional Inipi Kaga sweat lodges here at my home on our ancestral Tsalagi sacred mountain Attakulla 

Loving guidance by grandmother Raven Hail who was a wisdom keeper at the first legal ghost dance in Asheville in the 1980's and author of  'Cherokee Astrology'

Shamanic Teachings with Sandra Ingerman

Additional influential teachers:
Babatunde Olatunji 
Maya Tiwari
Diagaku Rumme
Maladoma Some
Daniel Foor

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Singing with Psyche! Finding your song and path in life... Hearing your heart sing and opening doors to magic... Using Jungian dream work, m...

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