The image of the full moon in the night sky invokes wholeness within us. The circle has no hierarchy, holding all equally in its magic.Resolution comes to the struggle of birthing inspiration from the new moon dreams and ceremonies. Recognizing cycles and spirals and circumambulations of inner knowing. Call in ancestors who have done their work and can share in this transmutation of patterns. Shed this skin of completion only to grow again in renewal, Evoking the mandorla of our overlapping lives. (Sing ancestors song)
Center in the hub with verb based actions beyond the grasping of the edges of noun based identity. Cultural languages portray these opposites as we integrate consciously.
Dreams for the collective unite many different dream figures from many races, ages, cultures, and myths, sometimes traveling to places seemingly foreign or completely unknown. Archetypal human patterns unconsciously playing within our lives...shifting reality thru vast unknowable realms.
Ritual ceremonies allow us to participate in these creations of collective evolution. (Sing 4 one mind)
Current necessity and bountiful virtual worldwide reach allows us to do this together symbolically without appropriation. Gather around the elements represented by a vessel of water, a stone that has called to you from the earth, a feather that swaddles you with air, and the smokes of sage, mugwort, rosemary, or chaga reaching deep into your essence of actions. Sing the moon song or the songs* that come to you in the ether as you face the moon. Share the true clear aroma and magic of the plant medicine with love and gratitude to them and to all, in your heart as one mind. Do this with presence beyond words, returning to the time of original humans recognizing the 4th dimension of symbolic images going beyond language.
Share dream images or a sentence of resolute knowing that is new. Combine these to create a new story or myth ...
Gather the tiny ash residues from the plant medicine burning/smokes in a shell from the ocean and blow it out the window, returning the fire of actions from our heart to the air, earth and water...sing gratitude song * to all.
*Songs... protection 4 all, moon song?, 3rd song (options for heart, wolf, one mind, bees, fox), then gratitude songs ( grandma grace black elk, toka unce o la pi a, arrows lullaby, lu do hi, )
You can participate without sharing your dreams or, if you wish, Bring a recent dream condensed to around 4 minutes & then congealed into a single sentence saying what it told you that you didn't already know (or we will help you with this if requested) may also want to draw an image or symbol from the dream in your most primitive childlike way & share via webcam or screen share. Only what feels comfortable for you...
A dream for the collective can be recognized by our absence in the dream and experiencing it as if watching from a distance, crowds of people we don't know, public places, images from news casts, cultural myths or archetypal images. When you do appear in a dream for the collective you may be joined by many different dream figures from many different races, ages, etc. or on collective transportation traveling to many different places in the dream. It is very helpful for all when we share these kinds of dreams.
The full moon will combine these contributions from each of us and tell us all a new story. Optionally you may want to Gather elemental objects around you...water, fire, earth (stone), feather (air) & we will burn sage & sing a tsalagi protection song while putting aside ordinary reality & sharing from our spirit. We close this container with a traditional song of gratitude. On your 4th dream share you may be offered a tsalagi verb based name from your dreams...we change our names after life changing events. Jungian DreamWORK 4 COLLECTIVE

Our full moon dream myth for the collective this month comes from Tessa Theresa who dreamed for all of us...
In the stepping up of the true feminine We step in- within
In giving in we give into The whole- All of us
This DreamStory was birthed during April's Super Pink Full Moon, the first of only two super moons in 2021. DreamStory is part of a Full Moon MythMaking ritual guided by Jungian Swiss depth psychology specialist, Gail Thomas. This hopeful message wove its way through our dreams for the collective. By Tessa Theresa Eartheart:
April 27th, 2021
Feel the hope of balance emerging in colors rising now.
By nature, we are beauty in balance like the trees.
Despite seeming wins, there is no end in circles and cycles.
May 26th, 2021 grateful to Charo for sharing in this work
"We need open spaces to feel free and joyful again.
Lemming lines descend to a level of new vehicle,
then through the doorway of the heart."

that we can trust
We trust the medicine in our movement
All together
Our myth making with the full Moon
July 25, 2021
Grateful to Stephanie Dragovich and Susanne Kasack!
Reflection :
We are All held in feminine nurturing energies by our Mother Earth . Feminine nurturing energy is also symbolized by Bear.
It is necessary to develop beyond infantile need to only take, to also reciprocate, to nurture our Mother Earth.
Bear also representing All our relations, All as our family nurturing one another.
🌠How do we reciprocate nurturing energy
♥️ to our Mother Earth and to All our relations?
Can consciousness and awareness feed reciprocity?
Circles of culture can be grateful to these moments of exploration... being seen, heard, acknowledged and shared.
Water and earth moving work will take us back to our ancient foundations...
Grateful to Claudia Valdes and all who dream for collective guidance. Full moon ceremony notes December 2020
Rabbit tobacco - everlasting - sweetness
Goldenrod bloom - connection to the eternal flame of life
Calling in ancestors song...
The mother archetype gives us what we need when we need it
Tsalagi ancestral language is verb based - noun based language is on the perimeter - verb based resolution in the center of the circle
Remembering home in the whole - oak tree sphere
One mind song...
Gail- Crossing the threshold reunites
It reunites us, the inner fragments of conditioning, of this lifetime, previous lifetimes
What we’re working with is what we need to be working with
We bring back the mystic archetypal human pattern
We know how hard it is to be in this pattern
The myth of Cassandra and Apollo - cursed her with not being believed - Hippocrates “it’s all about our thoughts” and the linear thinking of the mind - we see where we’ve gotten with this myth - it’s that thing that makes us afraid to share in this way - makes us not believe ourselves, and hold back on what we’re sharing
Come back and strengthen in this archetypal human pattern - and step out into the world - help each other with belonging
Resolution & resolute knowing - powerful in the dreamworld - images & verb based sentences
Charo - i see the full moon far ahead, it’s about to get behind a building and when it reaches the point behind the roof of the building, an eclipse will take place
Tessa - woman standing with a sword (staff) overhead next to a hill - looking up to the light coming through - saw the second image - symbolism of the staff - the person throwing the staff is me - i’m throwing it toward myself - the image of the staff
Gail- I saw star wars and yoda - collective defining movie and experience - the sage’s staff - wisdom - the crossroads in the head of the staff - I saw the circle - resolution, moving forward - the tarot - action, intuition - quest - over the hill - mid life - at the peak - in our mid-30s or 50s - peaking - it’s time to share our stories and share our ways - we have enough experience to share it - the elder and the wisdom comes from encountering an uncommon situation and moving through it in a good way - the staff - the inner that conveys or throws or tosses to the outer -
Tessa- the staff stopped in the dream - it’s there, and it’s my choice on whether or not I’m going to take it - i am ready, and it’s time to just get over myself and hold onto the staff and step up to it - everything is here - deep in my bones, we have absolutely everything we need - “it’s just on the other side of the hill” really we just need to step out of the way - we are all ready to join you with that staff!
Seeing the sisterhood - the support network - the web - we’ve felt quite alone - but being in sisterhood - seeing the common threads between us is encouraging
Giving the baton to yourself - passing the baton to yourself - it’s your turn - conducting the orchestra -
elders of this human wave
The Mother archetype - the squirrel has just what it needs right there in the tree - home, food, movement/exercise, complete, tree of life - reaches up and down and is in perfect balance between the earth and the sky - like mycelium - tendrils that reach all over - branching out
Restless extroversion that has been brought back into balance - not all looking outside anymore like we were as collective
Norse tree of mythology - Igdrasil - celtic symbol of the tree - tree of life in its wholeness - on the earth plane - we see what’s above - so much attention and focus on what’s above (spirit, sun, the light) - what’s really giving us a wholesome feeling is coming underground - the roots system - if the root system is strong - even if a storm came - the strength beneath the surface, in the darkness, in the nurturance - not wanting to be out in the open because that would be out of place - the balance : recognition and knowing of what lies beneath - where the mother is, the nurturerer - the acknowledgement, the gratitude - knowing that there’s so much more than meets the eye - beneath the surface - facing the dark places in ourselves is where our power comes from - connectivity toward the dark, the mother - connection, unseen
Discernment - strong in our ego vessel - when we know ourselves in that way - that’s what strengthens our ego awareness beyond the need for identity - we feel that belonging
Charo - defining moment - after that eclipse took place, there was a point of no return for politicians - we need to bring something for them from the unconscious - present connection with the moon - rooftop - apex - triangle - pointed roof - triangle and circle connecting together - circle eclipsed by the triangle
Nissa song...
Crossing the threshold reunites
The full moon is crossing the sky, moving behind the roof, and eclipse will take place
Stepping up when the time is right
Wholeness is found in the full moon light
Gratitude song - with peaceful serenity for this life and in this life we are grateful as it is
Full moon photo image copyright Steve Caspersen