Nov 2021 thru Oct 2022... with gratitude to all who share in this wonder-full work.
Up to date in Facebook group Jungian DreamWORK 4 Collective. You are welcome to join us there...
Spinning, weaving, relieving tension to open unknown playful coherence in harmony...
Weaving less generating enough
Honoring the circle of unique gifts
Grounding in sacred place with our roots transforming oppression...
The stage in between the blue curtain and spinning red dress "re-legion-ations" the magic seeping thru our skin, nurturing communications of our cosmic belonging.
Stirring sulphuric primordial cures.
Dominating prominent male presence opening to feminine knowing and trusting.
Elders ask, “Tell me about your dreams ?”
Leaving at the threshold inflated mylar balloons wearing masks, for the simplicity and joy of red kites.
Masculine tenderness with the silver moon opening small windows of sweetness to reconnect bromance and Wholmance. Soul surfing big waves of self care and empowerment… Singings gatherings ceremonies seeding and feeding medicine for all generations evolving the web of life.
“We are ready to renew, ready to grow a new cycle. Deep ways will get us there, spiralling back to the center."
Planting poppies in the magic morning dew, playing unbothered we feel belonging... knowing peace expands!
Cultivating old old ways of our original human instructions bringing eternal peace thru a wrinkle in time...
Ingenuity will mobilize movement under our own power. In right rhythm and tempo, to the beat of our own dream, arising out of our inner wellspring of the soul. Love is the key.
As one, we move thru the forest into healing ceremonies, trusting our abilities to create beautiful things with our gifts. If we have only what we need there will be enough for all of us. We gather around the fire in circle feeding our spirits in this healing ceremony, feeling joy, hope and belonging...
"polarity...driving collective" is ok going into opposites and coming thru...
Speak from the heart by going to highest and best for observation, gathering, and then going to the shoreline of the soul...