Jungian Swiss Depth Psychology Specialist in Dreamwork, mandala art, dance/movement and music therapy...Intuitive guidance beyond therapy and analysis, facilitating authentic individuation.
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Singing with Psyche! Finding your song and path in life... Hearing your heart sing and opening doors to magic... Using Jungian dream work, m...
JUNGIAN DANCE THERAPY We allow ourselves to be danced by compelling inner images and feelings in our body. A mover and a witness primarily...
The image of the full moon in the night sky invokes wholeness within us. The circle has no hierarchy, holding all equally in its magic. Re...
The final class for my specialization in Jungian Depth Psychology was on the technique of active imagination that Jung developed when he cre...
So much gratitude to friends rallying in this healing and teaching song: Noah Proudfoot for flute, rainstick and his magic production, as w...
In reality the bears were the first to arrive...mocha reminded them firmly to keep good boundaries and we were all happy to have them be a p...
... on the south end of one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world... we have held inipi kaga traditional sweat lodge ceremonies here fo...
So much gratitude to all who have given me permission to help them retrieve a power animal that was once in their life... and they want it t...
As they started the fire for our lodge ceremony in January, 2021, Victoria and Michael Tree asked me to conjure their wedding vows. I sent t...
https://www.facebook.com/GlobalFire.Earth/videos/949900182208239/ Hello, welcome and thanks so much 4 joining us to celebrate this auspiciou...
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Singing with Psyche! Finding your song and path in life... Hearing your heart sing and opening doors to magic... Using Jungian dream work, m...
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JUNGIAN DANCE THERAPY We allow ourselves to be danced by compelling inner images and feelings in our body. A mover and a witness primarily...
The final class for my specialization in Jungian Depth Psychology was on the technique of active imagination that Jung developed when he cre...
Singing with Psyche! Finding your song and path in life... Hearing your heart sing and opening doors to magic... Using Jungian dream work, m...
So much gratitude to all who have given me permission to help them retrieve a power animal that was once in their life... and they want it t...
The image of the full moon in the night sky invokes wholeness within us. The circle has no hierarchy, holding all equally in its magic. Re...
https://www.facebook.com/GlobalFire.Earth/videos/949900182208239/ Hello, welcome and thanks so much 4 joining us to celebrate this auspiciou...
I wondered why this dream sang about throwing beans on the ground along the river... a year or so later I synchronously came upon an article...