Hello, welcome and thanks so much 4 joining us to celebrate this auspicious solstice. We join the SUN in its moment of stillness this morning. We join the MOON in void of course . We join the FIRE in its inspiration for the original meditation of gazing into the flames and simply being PRESENT IN the moment. We are here on the OLDEST mountain on turtle island. We are trying to restore her original tsalagi name and SACREDNESS here in our homeland. Her name is Attakulla, which means "helping many people " in our Verb based ancestral language. Please remember her in your prayers to support this? We invite you to find YOUR own original verb based name in this rebirthing time. VERBS represent our actions that come from the fire of life force in our HEART. They sit in the center of the circle while NOUNS circumambulate on the outer ring.
Please join us in a moment of silent meditation coming back to the CENTER of these 7 CIRCLES whenever we are aware of the mind going off into the future or the past with the thoughts. We simply return to the PRESENT MOMENT and the stillness within it that sits in our focus on the CENTER of this image. Allowing the thoughts to flow with the WIND as we set aside body and mind and live from our own SPIRIT together in this ritual as one spirit...
I'm grateful to Carlotta for asking me to share in the CREATION of this IMAGE that has been submitted as a new flag for this new country we are creating. The COLORS of the existing flag, with the STARS that our ancestors came from and the red lines in 7 concentric CIRCLES of 82 FLAMES representing 574 original NATIVE nations on this continent.
We are gathering here today with our SACRED FIRE that begins our ceremony of traditional lakota inipi kaga, stone people purification ceremony or ' sweat lodge" . We have held these ceremonies here with the spirit of this MOUNTAIN and the spirits of this LAND for 13 years now. We are happy that you can join us by the fire BRIEFLY today. We sang a traditional song while LIGHTING this fire that makes it a SACRED place and our spirit helpers hear EVERYTHING that is shared here until we end our ceremony with the final offering of TOBACCO to this fire. We are grateful to the LAKOTA people for keeping our ceremonies as intact as possible according to the ORIGINAL spiritual ways of this WAVE of HUMANS, where we ALL SHARE ancestors. To the STONES who have been here since the beginning of the earth, our OLDEST ancestors and to all of the PEOPLE who show up here in this good respectful way to do the HARD work TOGETHER and keep these ceremonies ALIVE. We are grateful to our ancestors and all of the ELDERS who have shared these traditional teachings with us.
In 2018 we INITIATED a deer effigy PIPE made by Grey Antelope of the Santa Clara Pueblo nation. It came to us thru BEAUTIFUL PAINTED ARROW, Joseph Rael and our most supportive Sundancer who prefers to remain anonymous. He has done ceremony on this LAND with me for at least 27 years and danced for more than 33 years. I held that pipe UNFIRED most of that time. Finally someone came into our little family who had the SKILL and COURAGE to fire it and the second day after we initiated it in ceremony in 2018 a SONG came to me in the DREAMWORLD that I want to share with you today. It came in lakota ceremony language and TRANSLATES as...
Sending a VOICE to ancestors with a COMMON peoples pipe
With COMPASSION of grandmothers we want to LIVE...drum of sacred ELK NATION, pipe of black tail DEER...sending our voice on THIS good day, with a COMMON peoples pipe.The balancing CYCLES of mother NATURE are amazing teachers by example. *We want to join her in the LONGEST nights here in the Northern hemisphere. We want to go INSIDE OURSELVES and journey THRU winter with our own fascinating magic and wisdom-making INNER adventures. *My bear spirit guide WOKE me a few years ago with a GIFT from the dreamworld at THIS time of the year. I want to SHARE that gift with you today and call in the NORTH to be with us thru this WOMB time we are entering. May we GESTATE with the SEEDS deep in the FERTILE soil of THESE times. May we journey with our OWN kind, compassionate, helpful spirits of the HIGHER REALMS and power ANIMAL'S of the LOWER realm, calling them to us consciously in THEIR own language, sharing our VOICE with THEM, letting them DANCE again in OUR body... experiencing true ONENESS and merging with these 3 DIMENSIONS of OUR WORLD.
MOVEMENT MERGING towards dismemberment ... Only 4 RENEWALWe EMBRACE the north with the Flesh of our BODIES ...Swaddling the SPIRIT of our BONES
Wazeota TATANKA oyate kila
Ate oyate kila
UNCI MACA, Wakan takan ,
Unci mala ya ...doni picteloSacred BUFFALO nation sits in the NORTH with our ANCESTORS, we hold these ceremonies because we WANT to LIVE.To the SPIRITS of my TSALAGI homeland...
Lu do hi nu nata ie ill ie ga o sa da
With peaceful SERENITY in this LIFE, we r GRATEFUL as it is...
Wado , pilamaya, thank you !