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Dreamwork 4 Collective Stories...

Nov 2021 thru Oct 2022... with gratitude to all who share in this wonder-full work.

Up to date in Facebook group Jungian DreamWORK 4 Collective.  You are welcome to join us there...

Spinning, weaving, relieving tension to open unknown playful coherence in harmony...

Weaving less generating enough
Honoring the circle of unique gifts
Grounding in sacred place with our roots transforming oppression...

The stage in between the blue curtain and spinning red dress "re-legion-ations" the magic seeping thru our skin, nurturing communications of our cosmic belonging.

Stirring sulphuric primordial cures.
Dominating prominent male presence opening to feminine knowing and trusting.
Elders ask, “Tell me about your dreams ?”
Leaving at the threshold inflated mylar balloons wearing masks, for the simplicity and joy of red kites.

Masculine tenderness with the silver moon opening small windows of sweetness to reconnect bromance and Wholmance. Soul surfing big waves of self care and empowerment… Singings gatherings ceremonies seeding and feeding medicine for all generations evolving the web of life.

“We are ready to renew, ready to grow a new cycle. Deep ways will get us there, spiralling back to the center."

Planting poppies in the magic morning dew, playing unbothered we feel belonging... knowing peace expands!

Cultivating old old ways of our original human instructions bringing eternal peace thru a wrinkle in time...

Ingenuity will mobilize movement under our own power. In right rhythm and tempo, to the beat of our own dream, arising out of our inner wellspring of the soul. Love is the key.

As one, we move thru the forest into healing ceremonies, trusting our abilities to create beautiful things with our gifts. If we have only what we need there will be enough for all of us. We gather around the fire in circle feeding our spirits in this healing ceremony, feeling joy, hope and belonging...

"polarity...driving collective" is ok going into opposites and coming thru...
Speak from the heart by going to highest and best for observation, gathering, and then going to the shoreline of the soul...

Sharing a transformation experience...

 Very grateful to my dear friend for sharing her experience of dreamwork rewards...Transformation experience recording link here.


In 1991 I shared friendship and dance with Yung Yung Tsuai when she visited the NC School of the Arts as a teacher for The Martha Graham Dance School in New York. 
 She choreographed this piece from our friendship and captured my struggle between the opposite archetypal human patterns according to Toni Wolfe. This dance demonstrates the mystic and the warrior differences...

Join Guided Ritual Transformation Dance Ceremonies on zoom each month!

More info in the Facebook group...
https://www.facebook.com/groups/369795240069904/?ref=share Dance

Dream song progression...nature's warrior ways, print print imprint

So much gratitude to friends rallying in this healing and teaching song: Noah Proudfoot for flute, rainstick and his magic production, as well as singing with Rachel Waterhouse and Aaron Biggs by the fire after ceremony, Victoria Olmer playing cello, Cam Bolin playing the conch shell and lyric contributions from Andy Weatherly and my 'Indigenous Women's Circle' friends including Sue in Seattle and Dona in the Philippines


See Comanche say Apache,
take it down to sacred ground
See Apache say Comanche,
take it down to sacred ground

I hear the ravens comfort sound,
I know I too will soon go down
I love you sweet sweet nature, where I'm found

Plants tell me to make a tea
In their leaves there's more I see,
healing of humanity

If we can only let them be
they know so much more than we
Can learn throughout eternity

See Comanche say Apache,
take it down to sacred ground
See Apache say Comanche,
take it down to sacred ground

How do you get me like you know me?

How do you know me so well?

Print, print, imprint
Print print, imprint

Listen to the heart surrender, Listen to the heart together 

Print print imprint 

Print print imprint 

Open your eyes and see, Open your arms, receive 

Print print imprint 

Print print imprint 

Vocables: Way hey way hey hun hun hun hu hun

Loving and knowing ourselves 

Knowing and healing sacred ground


She's a young adult woman in a crowded sunny city on flat but high ground with trees, feeling real secure in her ancestry and identity. Walking along with her Apache father who is middle-aged with long beautiful black hair pulled back, smiling in the sunlight. Moving pleasantly with crowds of people. She is confident in what she knows of herself and sees around her. She is wearing a white sweater and carrying something like maybe a shawl over her left arm. 

They come to a crosswalk that takes her to return to her land. She steps into the crosswalk of white lines against black asphalt, with a 90 degree turn, as he continues on. She starts singing the song as I notice the shadows and interactions of ancestors around her. "See Comanche say Apache"... She seems very confident and happy to see both worlds in the way that she is able to. Rays of sunlight playing all around her and images of brown shadow figures thick amongst the people. The images move independently wearing feathers and scalp locks, carrying hachets, in loin cloth and deerskin.

Dream that morning with more lines for the song:

I'm with a young adult woman in my ancestral Tsalagi home where my mother was raised. We are working with a dream and heading outside to honor it with plant spirit offerings. She has a white rectangular bag with fringe on the bottom that is very beautiful. Possibly white deerskin or felted wool. We go to a very familiar alter that we know is there for community and gathered constantly by community as the plants offer themselves whenever we are in the woods and fields of this 50 acre farm. As we take only what we need with no concern for ownership of the plants, I notice there is no furniture in the house. The old wood floors and solid stone foundation feel good around us. As she puts the plant medicine in the bag with some sticking out the top, I ask her how she can do it so easily?

We go thru the door, onto the porch and start down the stone steps as we notice there are so many people out there, on the porch and in the yard as thick as the grass. A woman asks me "How do I know you so well?" and then I hear the song lines "How do you get me like you know me? How do you know me so well?". I notice the solid feeling of the stone steps and the people in the yard and how good it all felt. As I finished recording the dream and fell back asleep I heard the chorus lines "print print, imprint"...

When I shared the dreams with a friend the next day he blurted out intuitively "take it down to copper flats" and the line for sacred ground fell into place easily. Gratitude to Andy for sharing this part! My friend John with the inner producer urges suggested "weaving the lines to be reflective of the collective". Then I told my indigenous women's circle because it came the night of our regular circle meeting where we stir up magic. Another woman had dreamed the lines "listen to the heart surrender, listen to the heart together" the night before. It was her first dream of a song. Gratitude to Sue for sharing this and to Dona for the next lines. A dream two weeks later came at 03:03 a m with the vocables and someone telling Joan to "be careful how you come in to the song with this." Then she brought the line about loving ourselves.  Grateful to all who join in this co-creation!

https://www.facebook.com/groups/369795240069904/?ref=share Dance

https://www.facebook.com/groups/706768707290956/?ref=share-  Jungian DreamWORK 4 COLLECTIVE 

Wedding vows...

As they started the fire for our lodge ceremony in January, 2021, Victoria and Michael Tree asked me to conjure their wedding vows. I sent them the vows below during the 4 days after ceremony while "something sacred wears us". We are sharing them here so our community can support and join them in these vows that they will sit with for the next 13 moons...  

[Offering sage, cedar, sweetgrass on chaga ember]

We gather today as community to support, celebrate and nurture this union of Victoria and Michael as they vow to love each other always as equal cohorts in life. I've enjoyed the honor of seeing them engage in this process over the last 4 or more years. Their attentiveness to addressing growth opportunities with deep authenticity and recognition of the occasional need for help along the way has been remarkable. His devotion to her and genuine efforts in finding truth and love combined with her diligence in acceptance and allowing for the true nature of each of them has been so beautiful to behold in  the depth of their understanding. There will always be lessons in life and challenging times when we value a level of partnership and perseverance that is only available thru cultivating experiences. These two beautiful humans have developed sustainable patterns together and come here today asking humbly for supportive community witness and acknowledgment throughout their lives. 

May we also vow to deeply discern that our own actions are only appropriate for reinforcing this union in every way.

Victoria and Michael, May you ache for each other in your body and your thoughts, love being the only habit to never get enough of. 

See each other lying down and waking up, always being sure to call to each other softly enough. If by chance you do wrong please quickly make it up.

Be true like fire and ice. Laugh like the flowers. Know too much to argue or judge. In the darkest nights, Come to each other like a raven with a broken wing.

Michael do you place your hand on the earth and vow to uphold your commitments to Victoria for a lifetime of loving kindness, patience, honesty, protection, nurturing, _____? with every action you take in devotion to this union ___?

Victoria do you ...(same as above)

Place all hands (2 held together) on the earth or a stone for 4 deep slow breaths.

Release hands and blow the breath of new life into each other's heart.

Offer rabbit tobacco, then a shared leaf of lobelia on the chaga fire ember.

Drink water together from the traditional wedding vessel.

Place rings on each other's hand.

With the help of ancestors, family, friends, guiding spirits and ---- may you always uphold and nurture this unique loving connection throughout your lives with gratitude to each other.

[Feed each other at the end... Drink Bubbles of wholeness and eat chocolate truffles in recognition of shadow work.
Offer final lobelia/tobacco to end ceremony.]



We allow ourselves to be danced by compelling inner images and feelings in our body. A mover and a witness primarily concerned with exploring and understanding the inner experience of the mover. The movement process develops an increasingly balanced relationship between images and bodily felt sensations originating in the unconscious or individual soul as connected to the world soul of the collective,  and the conscious awareness we utilize in everyday choices. The development of this essence requires the capacity to bear the tension of the opposites with discrimination, and to open fully to the  unconscious while maintaining a strong conscious standpoint. When we are "moved" and moving consciously in this way and surrender to something that cannot be explained, psychophysical connections are made available to consciousness. This deep guidance weaves into the larger context of Jungian analysis and develops an increasingly balanced relationship to both realms, listening and response, fluctuations of attention,  each realm constellating and enriching the other. This sets one off on a path towards wholeness,  an awareness of larger totality simply because of entering into communication with the inner self. 
The witness recognizes and holds awareness of the moments that the mover is "being moved". Remembering what the body was doing, associating images, affect, or emotional tone, experiences of entrainment,  finding unity in the darkness of the unconscious and facilitating "what the unconscious is telling us that we did not already know". Encouraging opportunities for transformation. When an untransformed primal effect from preverbal infantile processes arises we are working at a body-mind level without image or awareness. Instinct, affect, and sensory perception can come together in a body sensation and bring forth memories or images that can help interpret these opportunities. Dance seems to be among the most direct ways to reach these experiences that represent stages of developing consciousness from birth to approximately 16 months. If being seen and being held seems insatiable in our desires throughout life, for example, this is a way to turn that experience into inner gold with kind, gentle lessons we can consciously choose.  Our culture in this wave of humans seems stuck in unconscious patterns of scarcity that contribute to the abuse of nature and threaten our survival. We are in a pandemic that stems from the myth of Pan worshipping "never grow up, never grow old" infantile behavior that needs to be taken care of by someone else, like mother earth. We can accept responsibility in this way and do our inner work daily as one that can contribute to the benefit of all. 

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